Call for Papers-become a speaker

Have some Java on your mind? Share it with others! Submit your idea for a lecture – answer our Call For Papers and become a JDD speaker.
We’re looking for brilliant ideas and absorbing real-life examples. All levels and interesting Java-related topics are welcome. Share it during a presentation, a workshop or a case study (45”).
Why you should perform at the best conference on Java in Poland?
Great networking opportunity
– Meet enthusiastic Java developers and representatives of Polish JUGs
– Socialize with experts during After Party and speaker’s dinner
– Start new projects with accomplished & experienced people
Big stage experience
– JDD is one of the biggest conferences on Java in Poland
– It’s a community-driven event – we gather JUGs from all over the country
– We focus on sharing knowledge and meeting incredibly talented people
– We offer a chance to listen and meet the best specialists
We want your presentation to be among theirs!
Subject of CFP has to be related to any of these topics:
-JVM (Java, Scala, Kotlin…) -Functional Programming
-Microservices, Docker, Kubernetes -Cloud, AWS,
-Machine learning, AI -Architecture
-Testing, TDD, BDD -Agile
-Future of Java -Processes and Tools
-Getting Started -Clean code
-IoT, VR, AR
How to become a speaker?
Apply by sending us an e-mail at: Include:
– Name, surname, e-mail and phone number of the speaker
– Short biography*
– The speaker’s photo*
– The topic of the presentation*
– Short description of the topic (max. 500 words)*
– Non-standard technical requirements
– Level of knowledge required from the audience
-Link to previous presentations ,talks
-Twitter/ web
Your entry will be evaluated by our Program Committee – the group of the best specialists, leaders of Polish JUGs. We will inform you about the results up to two weeks after the CFP deadline (31 July 2019).
* The short biography, the topic of the presentation, its description and photo will be published on JDD website and promotional materials